Whirlwind of Shows

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Wow! What a whirlwind or shows we are experiencing at the moment! There just has not been time to write any blogs because we have been on the road for weeks (seems like months) on end. Our last two shows for this year are running this weekend – 8th and 9th October at the Weald & Downland Open Museum at Singleton, near Chichester, West Sussex and at the RHS Wisley Gardens at Wisley in Surrey. We have met some amazing people on our travels and had lots of fun driving round and round in circles in Germany because I couldn’t find my SatNav before we left! I’m going to write blogs on our attendance at The Princely Garden Show at Schloss Wolfsgarten and at the RHS Malvern Autumn Fair, with some photos, and these will be online later today. I’ll also be sending photos of our flying of the Sussex County Flag to our friends on Facebook

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