Weald & Downland Trug Making Course
Posted on:Another successful Trug Making Appreciation course was held at the Weald & Downland Living Museum in Singleton near Chichester over the weekend of 3rd – 4th March. The course had it’s full compliment of eight students and they all made a Trug worthy of the time they spent hand crafting it over the weekend. Truly something to go home and boast about! We always take a relaxed course and hope that our students never feel under pressure as the whole idea, apart from making a lovely Trug of course, is to have some fun. Chris Tuppen and Caleb Pimm ran the course and were always on hand to help students when they got stuck or needed individual guidance.
Despite the very bad weather all of the students came, including one lady from Abergavenny and another who had travelled down from Shropshire where she had been on a walking holiday for a week before! Well done everyone for braving the weather conditions and we hope you have many years of enjoyment using your Trugs and making your friends and family envious of your skills!
Note: Just had an order from the wife of a guy who attended one of our previous training courses. I am told that the wife’s friend has admired her husband’s Trug and will be delighted to receive one of her own.
Next course is in our own workshops in April and there are still two places available. Look up the “Courses” section of our main menu for a booking form or telephone us on 01323-871640. After that you can book on the Weald & Downland November course on their website http://www.wealddown.co.uk