Weald & Downland Museum Trug Making Appreciation Course
Posted on:re.
On Saturday and Sunday last weekend my son Chris, Caleb Pimm my senior apprentice and I ran a two day Trug Making appreciation course at the Weald & Downland Living Museum in Singleton near Chichester. We started running courses there about 12 years ago, one a year and now run two, which are normally fully booked well in advance. I have seen courses on offer elsewhere for one day but do not believe that anyone can teach, let alone make from scratch a good Trug, in a single day, and I know some of the teachers have not ever set foot in a Trug Shop in their lives!
Our course this time was great and everyone produced a very acceptable Trug by the end of the weekend – and we even finished early! And what a diverse set of students we had! There was one from Chichester, four from Hampshire, one from Essex, one from Derbyshire and one from Cheshire! You can see them all in the photo with their prized Trug. Well done to all of our students, who were a pleasure to teach.
Our courses are all unhurried and fun because this is a learning process with new tools and materials and each student makes a Trug to take home with them. The Trug itself is worth as much as £124 (London prices!) It will remind the students about their weekend with us every time they use their Trug.
The next course at Singleton Museum is in August but this is already fully booked. The next course will be in March/April next year but, maybe, the museum may run a third as the demand is obviously there.