Tight Lines & Happy Hunting Exhibition

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I mentioned in an earlier post about the “Tight Lines & Happy Hunting” exhibition that is currently taking place in Munich in Germany and how we have some of our Royal Sussex Traditional and South Down Contemporary Trugs on show there.  This morning a lovely couple who live in Munich visited our shop.  They had seen our Trugs at the exhibition, which they describe as being “wonderful” and decided that, as they were going to London this week, they would detour and visit us.  Apparently they attend all of Galerie Handwerk’s exhibitions because they are so interesting and well presented.

Our two visitors bought two Trugs that they will be taking to some friends who live in France.  Thanks to you two lovely people for visiting us!  We hope to see you again soon!

The exhibition is at Max Joseph Strasse 5, Munich 80333.  https://www.hwk-muenchen.de/74,0,1016.html    http://www.facebook.de/galerie.handwerk

Ends on the 29th July so hurry up!

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