Thirty Year Old Trug!
Posted on:At the Wisley WoodFest I met a lovely lady from Japan. she has lived in England for many years and I first met her at a show near Cambridge in 1986 when she bought two of our South Down plywood Trugs, one she sent to her mother in Japan and the other she kept for herself. Now some other Trug Makers make disparaging remarks about our ply Trugs but, as I sold them to the Crown Estate for some 20 years I really don’t care.
The lady was on the Surrey Fungus Group stand and was using her Trug to display free packets of seeds and it was in a remarkably good condition. She obviously, like most Trug owners, loved her Trug very much. Pictured here is her lovely Trug. Thank you so much for letting me see your Trug!