Telephone Number Update
Posted on:Our dear friends at British Telecom have displayed their usual disregard for their customers by writing to us to say that our Voip (Voice over Internet protocol) telephone service will cease on 1st December (although I have paid for it up until Christmas!) and that I need to make other arrangements for the Voip line. This line services Thomas Smith’s Trug Shop (01323-871640) and is the old number we had at Berwick Court Farm four years ago, which has been diverted to Magham Down for the past four years. Accordingly we have made arrangements to transfer that number to Vonage and have added an additional ex-directory line for outgoing calls so that neither of our telephone lines will be blocked by outgoing calls.
For the convenience of our customers (because WE care!) our telephone numbers will remain the same:
Thomas Smith’s Trug Shop (retail customers) 01323-871640
Cuckmere Trug Company (trade customers) 01323-847540
Smith’s Overseas +44-1323-871640
Cuckmere Overseas +44-1323-847540
Bradley and I look forward to speaking with our customers personally and would assure you all that we do NOT have “press this button for sales, press that button for the loos”!! Neither will you go into Ether-Space because we offer old fashioned service using modern technology! If we are busy making Trugs you can leave voicemail and we will return your call as soon as we get back into the office – where ever you are in the World! Be prepared to be woken up in the middle of your night!