Sussex Trug Heritage Centre
Posted on:For some while I have been banging on about a Sussex Trug Heritage Centre in order to ensure the future of the Sussex Trug Industry in the future. Unlike others, I have taken positive steps to create apprenticeships, with an approved training programme and have achieved that so far. The heritage centre has been more of a long term project.
It is with pleasure that I am now able to confirm that, in December, we made the first positive move towards creating the centre by registering Sussex Trug Heritage Centre Limited, a not for profit company limited by guarantee. Currently there are two trustees and we are seeking more to join the board on a voluntary basis.
Our next task is to complete an action plan and a view of what we would like to achieve before we set forth to obtain Heritage Lottery and other grant funding to establish the centre. Our vision is to have the centre as a place of excellence for the production of Sussex Trugs, funding apprenticeships and encouraging several other woodland crafts. A place where people can come and learn about Trugs and, if they wish, join in by attending some of the courses in Trug making and woodland crafts that we will be running with other crafts people.
One of the things we will be doing is to offer membership to our friends in the UK and around the world for a small annual fee to help fund this exciting new venture.
Step One (forming the company) has now been completed with Step Two, the establishment of a group on Facebook, also having been completed and the Action Plan is under way. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/581506652192244/
Keep checking back for developments!