RHS Wisley Autumn WoodFest
Posted on:Last weekend Caleb and I exhibited at the RHS Wisley Autumn WoodFest and had a very pleasant weekend in Wisley Gardens. Wisley is, of course, very famous, so we fitted in quite well :o)
Although we had a few light showers the weekend was mostly dry but we really did appreciate the heater we had in the wooden chalet allocated to us. We met, as usual, many interesting people, including two who had previously attended our Trug Making Appreciation Course at the Weald & Downland Open Museum in Singleton, West Sussex. I dug out the photo of them and you can see the lovely Trugs they made which they assure me are still going strong.
All in all a good weekend. See the next blog about a lady who comes from far away and bought two Trugs from us a long time ago!