Please help this young boy!
Posted on:As I grow older I reckon I am more sentimental than I ever used to be! Call me a silly old fool if you like. There are times, though, when it is necessary to raise one’s head above the parapet and ask people for help and this is just the case now. My grandson is now three and a half years old but, when he was born, he had a condition known as plagiocephally. The local, and not so local, community rallied round and raised the money for Finlay to have a special helmet mounded to his head in order to bring the bones back into place and the NHS do not fund this treatment. It worked perfectly and today Finlay is enjoying a wonderful life with mum and dad Heidi & Chris thanks in part to the donations made by those generous folk in Eastbourne and beyond.
So, today I read about another little lad who needs help for a variety of cranial problems and his name is Finley (pictured above) and he will be five this October. The NHS has declined to pay for specialist treatment in the USA and so his mum, Kara Ingles, has to raise the money to take him to the USA and pay for the treatment he needs. The treatment is only available in the USA. The diagnosis, after a long process, has been Hypothalamic Harmatoma , an extremely rare brain tumour. This tumour causes Finley to have lots of different things to cope with.
Normally my business posts are for business purposes only but there comes a time when someone in need requires help and I am glad to bend my own rules. Can you help by making a donation, no matter how small, towards Finley’s treatment in the USA? Kara needs £200,000 and has nearly one quarter of that amount raised over the past three months (at time of posting this blog).
There is a link to the appeal website attached to this post and I hope that as many people as possible will help this young man. Just for the record – Finley Ingles has no association to my family or business – he is a young boy who needs our help! My sincere thanks to all of you who feel able to help this young boy improve his life.