International Trug Making Course at Mahgam Down Workshop March 2019
Posted on:Our Trug Making Appreciation Course at Magham Down the weekend before last was truly an international affair with one student coming over from Belgium, and there was a Dutch and a French student both living in England. It all made for a very jolly course with hardly any mention of the “B” word! It rather reflected the ethos of our company which exports many of its Trugs all around the world.
Our students were pretty fast and ended the course early on Sunday afternoon when, normally, we expect to be around until after 4pm, so it was good to get home a bit early. Everyone made a super Trug which they will now be using for many, many years. I heard back from the wife of one of the participants that his Trug was trotted out to anyone who visited!!
Thanks to Chris and Caleb who ran the course and for the very positive feedback received from all of the students, which will help us improve our courses for the future. We run a two day course to ensure that our students enjoy their time with us in an unhurried atmosphere intended more for the enjoyable experience rather than our making a few fast bucks.
Arrangements will shortly be started for our next course here at Magham Down and our course in November at the Weald & Downland Living Museum in Singleton, near Chichester, still has places available.