Another Successful Course
Posted on:Saturday and Sunday 12th & 13th August we ran our second Trug Making Appreciation Course at the Weald & Downland Living Museum. We had a full class of really lovely people who thoroughly enjoyed making their Trugs. We run two courses at Singleton every year and all are fully subscribed so it is really interesting for us too. Chris, my son, and Caleb Pimm my Senior Apprentice ran the course and I had a lot of good comments from the students about their knowledge and patience.
Our aim is to provide a relaxed atmosphere where the students can make their Trug in an unhurried manner, enjoying the work and learning new skills. The Jerwood Gridshell at the Museum is the ideal place to run our course as it is light and airy.
At the end of the course everyone had made an acceptable Trug and were handed their Certificate of Achievement. Their Trug will always remind them of the course and, hopefully, us, and is something they can cherish for the rest of their lives. Well done everyone who attended the course – you all did very well!
Check our our courses page to see when we will be planning another course. This page will be updated as soon as a date has been decided.